„Tăul fără fund” peat bog (Băgău village, Romania) is important for environmental studies considering its geographic position.
It lies near Băgău village at an altitude of 440 m a.s.l., close to the Romanian Western Carpathian Mountains. The surface of the bog is 2.5–3 ha (in wet years 5–6 ha), the thick of the peat layer at its central part is 4–5 m. The characteristic plant species of the different plant associations with natural value which grow there are: Drosera rotundifolia, Betula pubescens, Eriophorum vaginatum, Sphagnum spp. In 2017 two sediment records were recovered from “Tăul fără fund” peat bog for multi-proxy paleoenvironmental studies. The total length of sediment cores recovered was 9 m. Moreover vegetation of the peat bog was described and recent plant samples were collected to construct a reference phytolith database.