The investigation of Podgorechko Lake (Jablanica Mt.) and Golemo Lake (Pelister Mt.) and their environment helps to understand how these lakes have reacted to climate change and human effects so far.
The parameters of two Macedonian glacial lakes, Podgorechko Lake (Jablanica Mt.) and Golemo Lake (Pelister Mt.) are studied in a multi-proxy paleoenvironmental study. Sediment records were recovered from the lakes and from the fen near Podgorechko Lake. Moreover recent plant samples were collected to construct a reference phytolith database, placing emphasis on molika trees. Molika (macedonian pine – Pinus peuce), from ecological point of view, as Balkan endemic species and Tertiary relict, has special importance for Macedonia, as well as wider, because of its natural successive development, as it is growing over unfavourable and alpine areas above the upper edge of woody vegetation.